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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Drawing from life or a photo

Danny Gregory started a post on drawing from life or photography. This - besides my comments - is what came up in me a couple of days later and then briskly scribbled on a scrap paper: Click to enlarge and read.

EDM Challenge #51

Draw your TV and show ...

The show to be seen was the public news at eight "Tagesschau". So if you want to see the same I did crawl the "archiv" from today here. ;-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Draw a mug ...

.. or a tea-pot. [TCL adapted ;-)]

Said and done and sent away as an illustrated letter to my family.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Christmas will be there again

Last minute postcard motive
As the last chance of sending christmas postcards in allready 11 months I just wanted to post a blueprint of an upcoming card 2006 I'd like to send out this year. It's goingto be translated as "Where did Santa hide himself again?"

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Enploy *)

How about this ... did it this morning: Subway was kind of empty. I stood next to the sliding doors, didn't clunch to a bar; just bent my knies a little like a tai-chi-student or surfer and moved smooth and relaxed with or against the train's moves; adapted to the waggon's soft shakes, sliding my way down to work - receiving a lot of smiles by schoolkids going for a swim and successfully imitating me.

*) enploy is a new rubric made out of a play of words: play and enjoy

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

EDM Challenge #37

Draw some keys

Well I did so, not even sure, which challenge I was working on, I only saw the keys lying on the table after gotten home from work, opening the letters and having "nothing to draw" but an enevelope's left overs and a pilot pen. It just happened, that the middle key points out to the German words translated as "Important Answers: How Germany's .." and the rest - allready resting in the paper bin - read "... economy can be cured."

Key answers and key questions pointed out with keys - isn't that some curious way of everyday mattering signs of creativity, showing us solutions ;-)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Big Picture in a Small Sketchbook

Enrico Casarosa just posted this wonderful sketchblog yesterday: Alessandro Carloni.
To be shared for everyone I had to spread the 'word' here, too!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006


The ABC of contemporary virtues and vices

(c) Cover illustration redrawn by F.W.Bernstein

We did this and made a book from all the ideas as one part of a fun course on combing writing and illustrating featured by the German Federal Academy for Cultural Education, Wolfenbuettel (Nov. 24-26, 2004).

The book happend to be copied and bound those days. Pages texted and illustrated by me are these ... find all pages here.
The dandy pretends to be very modest,
the ladies should feast their eyes on him.
('feast' in German had the same meaning as 'pastures')

Respect and repentance has to be demonstrated for me,
my dear raven, that's what you have to remember.

... what fun we had, just working in that combination of renown writers and illustrators.

The self given excercise was inspired by the childrens books, which bring kids near the alphabet with funny or even silly rimes. Each sentence should contain at least two words starting with the letter shown in a capital and a small form. And as we had been close to the end of the year those days, the overall subject should be "virtues and vices". So this post seemed to fit in the start of the new year 'perfectly'.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Magic Mailbox

(c) picture taken by danny gregory

Danny did us all a favour and posted all the letters he received before and around christmas, inspired by his "Illustrated Letter Contest".

The introduction and the letters can be found here. As I turned in my letter kind of later before christmas, it is found at the rear end of the fabulous collection of illustrated written artwork of all the partcipating artists ... or just jump in right here and here.

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