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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sketchcrawl # 17

for more crawl-details click on picture shown above

The weather turned out to be o.k. after heavy rain in the morning - as the weather is fine on any given Sketchcrawl ;-)

In the end, I didn't have the time to do a day-time-crawl. So I chose to do a MovieCrawl and had the chance to watch the 1985 released "A Passage to India" -- based upon E.M.Fosters novel -- on DVD.

So, these are some scenes taken from the very slow movie -- not as slow as one might believe though it was about 157 minutes long.

All the other ones can be seen here.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Archives: Weser at Farge

Talking about Gipi and Pirati this archive's picture came back to my mind: The River Weser at viewing Farge on the other side. A small town where the ferry boat is landing. I sketch this scene over Easter 2007 -- and maybe the present temperature just brought back the memory of that windy and cold bike-ride I took when I painted this. ;-)

// Update //

Anyone who'd like to read an affectionately radio feature broadcasted yesterday (08-01-11) on Deutschlandradio Kultur about this region, please follows these links ...

Radio feature to read or listen --- A little universe of life and love on one of Europe's biggest rivere isles - Harriersand.

Thanks to:

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New // Gipi // Pirati

(c) Gipi

Long awaited and here are some of Gipi's latest pictures in a preview! Click on image to see some more and after two days allready about thirty-something comments ... enjoy.
Despiring as Enrico would say. ;-)

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