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Monday, September 29, 2008

| Du Sack |

Last Friday a friend of mine and me went to have a small lunch after a long week of work. Having finished I went in to pay before we left. I invited him, which he didn't expect and caused him to call me a "nutsack" with a smile on his face ... which I translated into the real bag/sack you see on the picture. In fact you have to know, he really is one of a kind decent, Hanseatic and well brought up men, who'd never really use this word in public.
Well you never know ;)

UPDATE: I remember, that he also has been the one, who inspired me to this drawing, too. Hmmmmmm ....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

| Wenn Fische hupen könnten || If fish could honk |

Fish is saying: "Hey, speed up folks!"

We had the chance to be invited by some of a kind and super-nice marketers at one of the biggest shots in the advertising business in Europe/Hamburg. Three handsome members took care of us. During their presentation a big old steamboat "blew a horn" -- mixing up the words the apprentice said "well that's some of the nice parts working directly on the habour-side, where the fish honk" instead of saying "where the ships honk " ... you'll get the mix, if you'd know that "Schiffe" (ships) is just next to "Fische" (fish) in German. Just exchange "SCH" by "F"

So I started to wonder, in which cases fish might want to honk ... someone else may make up a picture on the low pun "traffic jam" resp. "berry jam", seeing the fish-traffic-jam ... not to forget about the jam-session.

UPDATE See the follow-up here:
| Hunk Fish || Hupfisch |

Saturday, September 20, 2008

| Getting colder |

September, Sunshine, Sweater -- what can I say more. No clouds and about 5 degrees Celsius at night already.

Wonderful daylight sets the houses and ships on fire when coming home from work riding my bike on along the harbor-side.

An air and a touch of sunstrokes alternating with the soft chilliness nourishing heart, soul and skin.

Please say hello to autumn, the day after tomorrow in Europe (22. September 2008 at 17:44 MESZ). Did anyone know they nail it down on hours and minutes? Though meteorologists welcomed autumn already on the first day of September.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

| Wachstu(r)m | Growing Tower |

A tower growing into the sky. "Wachstum" in English means "growth". "Wachsturm" with an encapsulated "r" means "growing tower". In this case a cachepot

Growth. A personal subject these days. Though it's the end of time to harvest nature's uprising treasures.

Sometimes growth needs a cut of growth. Otherwise your branches grow faster in length than strength.

Maybe I should draw a tree instead, as Ali Altschaffel did lately.

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