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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Won't chicken out!

What ever will happen within the next roundabout 8 weeks! I won't chicken out! Just keep cool - nothing's falling on my head .. not even a piece of heaven, you little chicken! You're not getting boiled you are getting tested and examined! No one really gets hurt --- at least not physically ...


Unknown said...

Sooo cute!! Love this little character. And thank you for visiting both my arts and film blog. About "Frieden" :

"Frieden" is the name of the main character girl. My first year at UCLA, I has a German roommate. I want to give my little character a special name. So I ask my roomate, how do you say "Peace" in German. She said, "Frieden!" The word sounds so beautiful, so I decided to name the little character, "Frieden."

Plus the original story idea of this film is inspired by one of my favourite lullabies - Schlafe Mein Prinzchen. :)

Peter Pen said...

Thank you for comming by and explaining the story behind the story!

For anyone who wants to know the link behind the story's story, please check out here:

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