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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Naked Censor

After flickr made the start on censoring German accounts a couple of weeks ago an American publisher of children's books (Boyds Mills Press) now adds another story on censoring skin: The pictures shown above and the one following are taken from Rotraut Susanne Berner's worldwide reknown "Wimmelbücher" give too much room for naked details. They urged the illustrator to delete those two tiny details before they would buy the rights and print the books. She didn't want to and the German publisher either ... hmm, what does this story tell us?

(c) by Rotraut Susanne Berner

.. both taken from this tiny scene ...


Mondgucker said...

Ich denke die kleine Geschichte zeigt uns einmal mehr ein Bild von Amerika, dass man nicht weiter zu kommenieren hat! Es ist doch toll zu sehen, wie Klischees sich immer wieder aufs neue bestätigen.

Peter Pen said...

und da Du in Frankreich publizierst würden Deine Bilder dann ja eh noch einmal super-sonder-beurteilt werden ;-)

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